Ka?ovský Petr Prof. MUDr. CSc.
Palacký University Olomouc - Medical Faculty UP Olomouc
Czech Republic
Epidemilogical study of the prevalence of neurodegenerative parkinsonism
Ministry of Health of the Czech Republic
The real prevalence of neurodegenerative diseases manifesting with the parkinsonian syndrome is not known. Up to now, it has been only rarely mapped in specific populations of some countries in Europe and also overseas. These data are completely missing in the Czech republic, there has not been any epidemiological research done yet, and the literary data are based on the raw estimations from the number of dispensarised patients. We would like to assess the prevalence of neurodegenerative parkinsonism in the socio- and etnographically isolated population of south-eastern Moravia, where the suspicion of increased prevalence has been demonstrate in a pilot study. Valid prevalence data wil allow further epidemiological research on the overall prevalence of neurodegenerative disorders in the whole population of Czech republic.