Dr. M.A.A. Caljouw
Leiden University Medical Center
Paracetamol to enhance quality of life and daily function and to decrease care dependency in advanced dementia: A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled crossover trial in long-term care facilities.
The overall aim of this study is to achieve optimal QoL and ADL function in LTCF residents with moderate to very severe dementia and moderate QoL, and to achieve less care dependency through pain treatment with CBD. Objectives; 1.Evaluate the effect of regularly scheduled administration of pain treatment (paracetamol) on QoL in LTCF residents with moderate to severe dementia. 2.Evaluate the effect of pain treatment (paracetamol) on ADL function and care dependency. 3.Evaluate the effect of paracetamol on pain, change in challenging behaviour and antipsychotic medication use. Research questions;
1.What is the effect of regularly scheduled administration of paracetamol on the QoL of older persons with moderate to severe dementia in LTCF? 2.What is the effect of regularly scheduled administration of paracetamol on functioning in ADL and care dependency in this population? 3.What is the effect of regularly scheduled administration of paracetamol on pain, change in challenging behaviour and antipsychotic medication use?