prof. dr. O.A. van den Heuvel
Online cognitieve training bij de ziekte van Parkinson. Online cognitive training in Parkinson's disease
Parkinson Vereniging
The objective of this pilotstudy is primarily to assess a cost-efficient, easy
accessible training of cognitive functions on its feasibility and initial
effect in patients with cognitive dysfunction in PD, MS of patients treated
with ECT. Using this pilotstudy, we aim to assess if a larger randomized
controlled trial is feasible.
Primary objective: is BrainGymmer feasible and challenging in the previously
mentioned syndromes?
Secondary objective: what is (an estimation of) the effect of BrainGymmer on
the subjective cognitive functioning of the patient (as measured by both the
patient and the caregiver) and the objective cognitive functioning of the
patient (as measured by an extensive neuropsychological assessment) in PD, MS
and patients treated with ECT?
Study design:
This pilotstudy uses a double-blinded, randomized controlled design. N = 10 for
each syndrome, and both intervention groups – total N = 60. Patients will be
randomly and double-blind assigned to either the training intervention or the
control condition. Both conditions will perform the training/activities 45-60
minutes a day, three times a week during eight weeks