HCL- NeuroBioTec - Groupement Hospitalier Est, Lyon
Groupement Hospitalier Est, Lyon, France
Marie-Claire MAZE
33 472406854
NeuroBioTec is part of the Biological Resource Centre (BRC) of Hospices Civils de Lyon (HCL). This biobank was founded in 1997 and is located in Pierre Wertheimer Neurological Hospital in the East Hospital Group of Lyon, France. NeuroBioTec objectives are : To provide local research teams or partners with the technical means and facilities necessary to constitute a collection and insure storage security of human biological samples associated with clinical data. Collections may be implemented for use in on-going or future research projects. To make available to outside research teams, for private or public institutions, samples which were not used for their initial research project. There are currently 19 collections, mainly related to neurological and mental diseases, but also of late with cardiological and pulmonary diseases. NeuroBioTec currently hosts more than 130,000 serum, plasmas, cerebrospinal fluids, PBMC's, urine sampes, DNA and RNA samples. The NeuroBioTecs staff is made up of four lab technicians, a clinical research associate, two project managers, and a PhD hospital engineer. NeuroBioTec is certified under the NF S96-900 french quality standard, since March 2010
Belongs to the National Infrastructure BIOBANQUE http://www.neurobiotec.net/