Infrastructure name



    ICM Paris, CEA Saclay

    Key contact

    JF Mangin

    Contact phone number

    Project/infrastructure description

    CATI was born out of a consortium of neuroimaging research laboratories who have complementary expertise : NeuroSpin (the French high-field MR imaging center of the CEA) and four teams located in La Pitié-Salpêtrière Hospital: ARAMIS and CENIR (the neuroimaging analysis research team and the neuroimaging platform of the Brain and Spine Institute), IM2A (the Institute for Memory and Alzheimer’s disease) and LIB (an INSERM/UPMC unit focusing on research on functional imaging)

    Date funding committed


    Date infrastructure operational


    Total capital cost (Euros)

    € 9,800,000

    Does the 'Total Capital Cost' include other associated costs?

    Current infrastructure status


    Is this entry applicable to another section of this questionnaire?

    Research Networks

    Further information available at:
Types: Capital Infrastructure
Member States: France
Diseases: N/A
Years: 2016
Database Categories: N/A
Database Tags: N/A

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