Name of resource (including any acronym)
Name of Principal Investigator
Title | Professor |
First name | Jean-Michel |
Last name | CLAVERIE |
Address of institution where award is held
Institution | CNRS – UPR2589 |
Street Address | Parc Scientifique de Luminy – 163 Avenue de Luminy – Case 934 |
City | Marseille |
Postcode | FR- 13288 |
Website link with details of how to contact the resource
Purpose of the resource
1. The resource is
General (e.g. DNA sequence, proteomic data)
2. The resource specifically provides for the following neurodegenerative diseases
3a. The resource is accessible to the research community
3b. Procedures and rules for access
Access through collaboration with PI only International access Access to industry
5a. Maintenance of the resource is dependent on continued funding
5b. End date of current funding period
5c. Plans to secure further funding beyond this period
5d. Expected lifespan of the resource (in years)
no limit if well maintained
5e. Other plans affecting future use
Acceleration of computation using a grid/cloud computing model