Title of project or programme

Changing practice in dementia care in the community: developing and testing evidence-based interventions, from timely diagnosis to end of life

Principal Investigators of project/programme grant
ProfessorSteveIliffeCentral and North West London NHS Foundation TrustUK
Address of institution of lead PI
InstitutionCentral and North West London NHS Foundation Trust
Street AddressGreater London House, Hampstead Road
PostcodeNW1 7QY

United Kingdom

Source of funding information

Department of Health (DH)

Total sum awarded (Euro)


Start date of award


Total duration of award in months


The project/programme is most relevant to
  • Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias
Research abstract in English

To assemble a community cohort of people with dementia and their families, within which intervention studies can be nested. The objectives are to develop and test interventions that improve patient, carer and service outcomes at three major stages of dementia: 1) recognition and first response; 2) management of behavioural and psychological symptoms of dementia (BPSD), and of incontinence; and 3) end of life care. Within the SCWRU the programme is evaluating the impact of the Mental Capacity Act 2005, and will develop educational interventions to support the use of the Act. EVIDEM-ED Early Diagnosis: This project is focusing on the development of an educational resource to support primary care practitioners with the diagnosis and management of dementia

EVIDEM-E Exercise: A trial of exercise as a therapy for the behavioural and psychological symptoms of dementia

EVIDEM-C Continence: Working out ways to manage and reduce the impact of problems with toileting and incontinence. Get involved

EVIDEM-EoL End of Life: Making sure that people with dementia get the best possible care at the tnd of their lives

EVIDEM-MCA Mental Capacity Act: Studying exactly how the Mental Capacity Act 2005 is applied, and how it helps people with dementia and their families and their supporters.

Lay Summary

    Types: Investments > €500k
    Member States: United Kingdom
    Diseases: Alzheimer's disease & other dementias
    Years: 2011
    Database Categories: N/A
    Database Tags: N/A

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