Cohort type
General population-based cohort
Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease
Participant type
No diagnosis
The CLSA will collect information on the changing biological, medical, psychological, social, lifestyle and economic aspects of people’s lives across Canada. These factors will be studied to understand how, individually and in combination, they have an impact in both maintaining health and in the development of disease and disability as people age
A total of 21,241 people from across Canada have agreed to take part in a telephone interview, once every three years.
An additional 30,097 people consented to participate in an in-home interview, and a visit to one of 11 Data Collection Sites across Canada where they take part in a range of physical assessments.
These participants were selected randomly, and were aged 45 to 85 when first contacted. The interviews and visits will take place once every three years over the 20-year course of the study
The study has entered its next phase where each individual recruited between 2010 and 2015 (baseline) will be re-contacted for the first follow-up. This will be conducted between 2015 and 2018. During this phase, the CLSA research team will collect the same type of information that was collected at baseline, along with several new measures that have been introduced.
Last update – 12/05/2017
McGill University
McMaster University
Memorial University
Ottawa University
Simon Fraser University
Universite de Sherbrooke
University of British Columbia
University of Calgary
University of Manitoba
University of Victoria
National Coordinating Centre
1280 Main St W. MIP-309A
Hamilton ON L8S 4K1