In this epidemiological study we examined the prevalence of medical […]

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The ADC was setup in 2004 by including all patients […]

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Alberta’s Tomorrow Project (ATP) is a longitudinal study tracking the […]

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AWHS is a prospective, longitudinal cohort study based on the […]

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The EADC-PET project (EAPP, The European Alzheimer’s Disease Consortium PET […]

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The EVA study was a 9-year longitudinal study with 6 […]

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The aim of GS: SFHS is to establish a large, […]

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All people aged 65-84 listed in the population registers of […]

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The Lc65+ project is a longitudinal population-based study focusing on […]

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The Older Australian Twins Study is a longitudinal, multi-centre study […]

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