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Cohort Acronym
CFAS Wales

Cohort type
General population-based cohort

Alzheimer's disease, Dementia (unclassified), Mild cognitive impairment (MCI), Parkinson's disease

Participant type
No diagnosis

Recruitment Period 2011 
Sample size at start or planned sample size if still recruiting 3750  
Estimated Current Sample Size 0 to 4,999 
Age at Recruitment >65   
Gender Male and Female 

CFAS Wales aims to interview a representative sample of 3,750 people aged 65 and over in two areas in Wales (Gwynedd and Swansea). Using established and standardised techniques it will collect data that will enable the investigation of cognitive impairment, depression, physical disability and healthy active life expectancy for the whole group and within social groups. It will provide a foundation for other collaborative studies that investigate biomarkers and other early indications of risk of cognitive decline, such as imaging. It will investigate factors that may delay the onset of dementia, specifically focussing on the role of bilingualism and social networks. As the participants reside in a bilingual area this is a key opportunity.

Last update – 13/02/2017

Country United Kingdom 
Contact details
Institution name Bangor University 
Principal Investiator (PI) Professor Robert Woods 
Contact email PI Email: b.woods@bangor.ac.uk 
Contact phone number  
Funders (Core support) Economic and Social Research Council
Higher Education Funding Council for Wales 

Variables Collected

Brain related measures: Behaviour, Cognitive function, Mental health, Neurological
Funtional rating: Individual physiological, Individual psychological
Anthropometric: Weight
Physical: Cardiovascular, Hearing and Vision, Musculoskeletal, Reproductive, Respiratory
Biological samples: Saliva
Genotyping: N/A
Brain imaging: N/A
Brain banking: N/A
Lifestyle: Alcohol, Dietary habits, Physical activity, Smoking
Socio-economic: Education, Ethnic group, Family circumstances, Housing and accommodation, Income and finances, Informal support, Marital status, Occupation and employment, Unpaid care
Health service utilisation: Formal health and social care service utilisation including private care
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