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Cohort Acronym

Cohort type
General population-based cohort


Participant type
No diagnosis

Recruitment Period 2000-2001 
Sample size at start or planned sample size if still recruiting 3326  
Estimated Current Sample Size 20,000 to 49,999 
Age at Recruitment >60   
Gender Male and Female 

To investigate factors that are relevant to maintain functional competence, to prevent long-term disability and to minimise unnecessary service utilisation among older people. (1) Therefore, periodic assessments are performed covering information on functional status (ROBUST, postROBUST, preFRAIL, FRAIL according tio LUCAS Functional Ability Index; Dapp U et al. BMC Geriatr 2014;14:141.), health behaviour, health care use, the need of long-term care, and survival over a period of more than 10 years. (2) Long-term effects of randomised (RCT) health promotion intervention will be evaluated (Dapp U et al. Draft for Dtsch Arztebl Int 2017; Neumann L et al. J Nutr Health Aging 2017;doi:10.1007/s12603-017-0932-1). There were two approaches (a) small group sessions モActive health promotion in old ageヤ (Dapp U et al. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci 2011;66:591-8.), and (b)
home visits (Pr’fener F Z Gerontol Geriatr 2016;49:596-605).

3,326 independently living community-dwelling elderly people (60 years and over) were recruited from 21 general practices in 2000 (baseline). They were followed up over a ten year period until 2010 resulting in multidimensional data sets for every single participant at baseline, 1 year, 7 year and 9 year follow up (Dapp U et al. BMC Geriatr 2012 Jul 9;12:35.).

Last Update 21/09/2017

Country Germany 
Contact details
Institution name Department of Geriatric Clinic and Research Department 
Principal Investiator (PI) Dr. rer. nat. Ulrike Dapp 
Contact email PI Email: ulrike.dapp@albertinen.de  
Contact phone number (040) 5581-1871 
Address Dr. Ulrike Dapp
Albertine-Haus Hamburg
Department of Geriatric Clinic and Research Department
Albertinen-Haus, Center for Geriatrics and Gerontology
Scientific institution at the University of Hamburg
Sellhopsweg 18-22
22459 Hamburg 
Funders (Core support) German Federal Ministry of Education and Research: LUCAS I: 01ET0708 | LUCAS II: 01ET1002A | LUCAS III/PROLONG HEALTH 01EL1407)
European Commission | HORIZON 2020 | MINDMAP | Research and innovation action no 667661 

Variables Collected

Brain related measures: Behaviour, Cognitive function, Mental health
Funtional rating: Individual physiological, Individual psychological
Anthropometric: N/A
Physical: N/A
Biological samples: N/A
Genotyping: N/A
Brain imaging: N/A
Brain banking: N/A
Lifestyle: Alcohol, Dietary habits, Physical activity, Smoking
Socio-economic: Education, Housing and accommodation, Income and finances, Informal support, Marital status
Health service utilisation: Formal health and social care service utilisation including private care
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