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Cohort Acronym

Cohort type
General population-based cohort

Alzheimer's disease, Mild cognitive impairment (MCI), Parkinson's disease, Vascular dementia

Participant type
No diagnosis

Recruitment Period 1979-1983 
Sample size at start or planned sample size if still recruiting 2512  
Estimated Current Sample Size 0 to 4,999 
Age at Recruitment >45   
Gender Male 

The initial aims were to examine the importance of lipids, haemostatic factors, and hormones such as testosterone, cortisol and insulin (Lichtenstein et al 1987) in the development of ischaemic heart disease (IHD). Subsequently, other hypotheses were included with a specific interest in platelet function, and psychosocial variables. With the ageing of the cohort, additional outcomes have been included in particular stroke, hearing problems and cognitive function.

The initial design attempted to contact all men aged 45 to 59 years from the town of Caerphilly and adjoining villages. 2512 subjects (response rate 89%) identified from the electoral register and general practice lists were examined between July 1979 until September 1983 (phase I).

Men were initially seen at an evening clinic, where they completed a questionnaire, had anthropometric measures and an ECG taken. They also completed a food frequency questionnaire at home (Fehily et al 1994). They subsequently re-attended an early morning clinic to have fasting blood samples for a wide variety of tests.
Quality control was examined by the use of both "blind" split samples as well as a second repeat measure on a random sub-sample to examine intra-individual variation.

The men have been followed up 5 times; Phase II (July 1984-June 1988), Phase III (Nov 1989-Sep 1993), Phase IV (Oct 1993-Feb 1997) and two further occasions via post. An additional 447 men were included in the survey at Phase II.

Last update – 11/04/2017

Country United Kingdom 
Contact details
Institution name University of Bristol 
Principal Investiator (PI) Professor Yoav Ben-Shlomo 
Contact email [email protected] 
Contact phone number  
Address Professor Yoav Ben-Shlomo
School of Social and Community Medicine
University of Bristol
Canynge Hall
39 Whatley Road
Bristol, BS8 2PS
United Kingdom 
Funders (Core support)  

Variables Collected

Brain related measures: Cognitive function, Mental health, Neurological
Funtional rating: Individual psychological
Anthropometric: Blood pressure, Height, Hip circumference, Waist circumference, Weight
Physical: Cardiovascular, Hearing and Vision, Respiratory
Biological samples: Blood, Saliva
Genotyping: Gene screening
Brain imaging: N/A
Brain banking: N/A
Lifestyle: Alcohol, Dietary habits, Physical activity, Smoking
Socio-economic: Education, Housing and accommodation, Informal support, Marital status, Occupation and employment
Health service utilisation: Formal health and social care service utilisation including private care
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