The Uniting Church in Australia Property Trust (Q.) trading as Blue Care
Dementia Care Tool
Blue Care would like to bring an internationally renowned, innovative European digital tool for dementia care to Australia. Observing Practice is one of the best ways of evaluating the quality of care that a person living with dementia receives. The tool has a methodology and design not currently used in Australia which is proving beneficial for the UK National Health Service (NHS), Health Trusts, Universities, Councils and Hospitals. The tool can be used in care environments, such as residential facilities, Memory Support Units, community care and day respite centres. It is a simple observational tool which enables staff to see through the eyes of the person receiving a service, to help them understand how interactions impact dignity, care and compassion. Comparable tools in Australia include Dementia Care Mapping which is labour intensive and not practical, or SOFI2 which is a licensed product and costly to roll out.