Infrastructure name

    France-BioImaging, CNRS



    Key contact

    J. Salamero

    Contact phone number

    Project/infrastructure description

    France-BioImaging is a National Infrastructures in Biology and Health (INBS) laureate of the national Program “Investissements d’Avenir” (PIA-ANR) in the field of biological imaging. FBI is at the crossroads between molecular and cell biology, biophysics and engineering, mathematics and informatics. This unique coordinated infrastructure gathers several large biological imaging facilities and laboratories specializing in R&D for imaging in 5 local and one transversal Nodes. France-BioImaging aims at creating the most efficient adoption of the latest advances in all technologies and methods related to microscopy, by the users of the imaging facilities. These technologies and methods, reinforced by a strong support in computational analysis, provide quantitative measures and integrative understanding of a wide range of cell and tissue activities in biological models, from the simplest, to small animals in normal and pathological situations.

    Date funding committed


    Date infrastructure operational


    Total capital cost (Euros)

    € 26,000,000

    Does the 'Total Capital Cost' include other associated costs?

    Current infrastructure status


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    Research Networks

    Further information available at:

    General national infrastructure having some applications in NDDs

Types: Capital Infrastructure
Member States: France
Diseases: N/A
Years: 2016
Database Categories: N/A
Database Tags: N/A

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