Name of Resource (to include any acronym)

    HUNT databank

    Name of Resource

    HUNT Data center

    Name of Principal Investigator - Title


    Name of Principal Investigator - First Name


    Name of Principal Investigator - Last Name


    Address of institution -Institution

    HUNT Research Center, NTNU (Norwegian University of Science and Technology)

    Address of institution - Street address

    Forskningsvegen 2

    Address of institution - City


    Address of institution - Postcode




    Purpose of resource

    Public funding source for NTNU, but also for the wider research community nationally and internationally.

    Q1. Is the resource?

    General (e.g. DNA sequence, proteomic data)|Other please specify

    Please Specify

    There is a special resource for genetic data, HUNT Data Center and Cloud managed by prof Kristian Hveem (

    Q2. Does the resource specifically provide for any of the neurodegenerative diseases/disease subtypes specified below?

    Alzheimer's disease and other dementias|Parkinson's disease|Neurodegenerative disease in general

    Q3a. Is the resource accessible to the research community?


    Q3b. If yes, what procedures and rules apply for access?

    Apply to PI or coordinator at resource|Access independent of collaboration with PI|Access Committee mechanism|Local/regional access|National access|International access|Access to industry|Access for pilot studies permitted|Charge for access|Access through unique identifier

    Q4a. What type of data is provided?

    Genotype data|Phenotype data|Metabolomics|Cognitive/behavioural data

    Please describe

    GWAS-data from 72 000 participants, sequencing data form 2000|Biochemical measurements on the entire or selected parts of the collection such as lipids, glucose, CRP, kreatinin, liver enzymes, vitamins, hormones|Will be available from approx 25 000 within the next 6 months|Will be available from HUNT4 (Sept 2017-Febr 2019)

    Q4b. More generally are there other data available through the resource that you think may be useful to researchers in the context of the above conditions?

    Cognitive Function

    Please describe

    Will be available from HUNT4 (Sept 2017-Feb 2019)

    Q5a. Is maintenance of this resource dependent on continued funding?


    Q5b. If yes, when does the current funding period end?


    Q5c. Are there plans to secure further funding beyond this period?


    If YES please specify for how long in years


    Q5d. What is the expected lifespan of the resource (in years)?

    The funding is both on govermental and University budgets and there are no plans for terminating this. Other, project based resources requires additional funding. Ther are no other plans than keeping this resorce "for ever".

    Q5e. Are there other plans affecting future use that it may be useful to know?

Types: Bio/Neuroinformatic Resources
Member States: Norway
Diseases: Alzheimer's disease & other dementias, Neurodegenerative disease in general, Parkinson's disease & PD-related disorders
Years: 2016
Database Categories: N/A
Database Tags: N/A

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