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Cohort type
General population-based cohort


Participant type
No diagnosis

Recruitment Period 2009 
Sample size at start or planned sample size if still recruiting 1103  
Estimated Current Sample Size  
Age at Recruitment 22-35   
Gender Male and Female 

In 2009, when it was launched, the Tempo cohort consisted of 1,103 people between the ages of 22 and 35 who had participated in a study on children and adolescents’ health between 1991 and 1999: “Les Enfants de Gazel”.

In 2011, Tempo cohort expanded to:

– include young people aged 18-25 years who have specific health situations and life situations
– increase the number of participants to study infrequent health problems.

In 2011 1,214 people were interviewed. In 2015, 783 people participated in the study and 533 participants returned a saliva collection kit. Saliva samples allow us to identify genetic markers that are associated with addictive behaviours (tobacco, alcohol and cannabis/CBD) in relation to characteristics of people’s lives.

In total 526 respondents responded at least three times, and 334 at least four times, giving us the opportunity to examine health trajectories over time.

Participants in the Tempo cohort were asked about their health, the situations they encountered in their daily lives, their work and family experiences.

Last update – 12/05/2017

Country France 
Contact details
Institution name Health and medical research national institute (Inserm) 
Principal Investiator (PI) Maria Melchior 
Contact email [email protected] 
Contact phone number +33 1 85 56 13 35 or +33 1 85 56 02 40 
Address CoPortal team Tempo iPLESP,
Inserm UMR-S 1136
Campus Saint-Antoine, UPMC, 3eme etage
27 rue de Chaligny
75012 Paris, France 
Funders (Core support) MILDECA
Fondation pour la recherche en psychiatrie et en sante mentale
Fondation Pfizer 

Variables Collected

Brain related measures: Behaviour, Mental health
Funtional rating: N/A
Anthropometric: Height, Weight
Physical: Cardiovascular, Musculoskeletal, Reproductive, Respiratory
Biological samples: Saliva
Genotyping: N/A
Brain imaging: N/A
Brain banking: N/A
Lifestyle: Alcohol, Physical activity, Smoking
Socio-economic: Education, Family circumstances, Housing and accommodation, Income and finances, Informal support, Marital status, Occupation and employment, Unpaid care
Health service utilisation: Formal health and social care service utilisation including private care
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