Name of Resource

    Ank3-exon1e Mouse Luciferase Reporter (Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland)

    Name of Principal Investigator - Title


    Name of Principal Investigator - First name


    Name of Principal Investigator - Last name


    Address of institution -Institution

    Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland

    Address of institution - Street address

    12 St Stephens Green

    Address of institution - City


    Address of institution - Postcode




    Resource:mouse ank3-promoter firefly luciferase reporter gene. The following primers were used to PCR amplify mouse ank3 gene specific reporter-gene constructs from mouse total DNA preparations. 5’-GCTAGCTAGCCTTTCCTTGAGATCAGGGGAAGT-3’ and 5’-TTAGGTACCGGGTGGGGCAACCGC-3’, with a PCR product size of 1903 bp, which were cloned into pGL3-Basic vector (Promega) using the restriction enzymes, KpnI and NheI (Fermentas, Life Technologies, Dun Laoghaire, Ireland). The amplified sequence is located directly upstream and contained in the region encoding exon 1e 5, expressed in ankyrin-G transcripts of approximately 93 kDa, 192 kDa, 209-214 kDa and also 500 kDa. Primers for obtaining the first and second half segments of the promoter were used in conjunction with the above primers to obtain these promoter constructs as follows, 5’- GCTAGCTAGCCTGGCTTTTTCTGTGCCAGAA-3’ and 5’- TTAGGTACCTTCTGGCACAGAAAAAGCCAG-3’. Amplified sequences were verified by sequencing using RV3 standard sequencing primers (MWG, Germany). For preparation of the ankyrin-3 mRNA directed constructs we used the previously published sequence ‘CT19’ -5’-GAGACATAAACTGGCCAAC-3’ 2 cloned into pSilencer2.1.

    Q1a. Please indicate below if your cohort includes or expects to include, incidence of the following conditions? (1)

    Neurodegenerative disease in general

    Q1b. Does your resource hold

    Genetic Material (e.g. DNA, RNA, vectors)

    Q2a. Does the resource act as a centre for access and distribution to external groups (who are not the Principal Investigators (PI) for the resource)?


    Q2b. If Yes, what procedures and rules apply for access?

    Apply to PI or co-ordinator at resource

    Q3a. Does your resource develop experimental models (animal/cell) for external groups?


    Q3b. If YES and your resource is related to an ANIMAL model, what types of models are provided?

    Q3c. If YES and your resource is related to a CELL model, what types of models are provided?

    Q4a. Is this activity supported as:

    Independent of collaboration

    Q4b. Do you deposit what you supply in any kind of central repository?




    Available to external user

    Full phenotypic character

    Please indicate the phenotypes

    List of genotypes or other subtypes

    Q5b. Cognitive function, No of models

    Q5b. Cognitive function, Available to external users

    Q5b. Cognitive function, Full phenotypic characterisation

    Q5b. Cognitive function, Nature of phenotype

    Q5b. Motor function, No of models

    Q5b. Motor function, Available to external users

    Q5b. Motor function, Full phenotypic characterisation

    Q5b. Motor function, Nature of phenotype

    Q5b. Physiological function, no of models

    Q5b. Physiological function, Available to external users

    Q5b. Physiological function, Full phenotypic characterisation

    Q5b. Physiological function, Nature of phenotype

    Q5b. Other function (please specify), no of models

    Please specify other function

    Q5b. Other function (please specify), Available to external users

    Q5b. Other function (please specify), Full phenotypic characterisation

    Q5b. Other function (please specify), Nature of phenotype

    Q6. Please indicate if your resource is already linked into European or international consortia or networks?

    Q7a. Is maintenance of this resource dependent on continued funding?


    Q7b. If yes, when does the current funding period end?

    Q7c. What is the expected lifespan of the resource (in years)?


    Q7d. Are there other plans affecting future use that it may be useful to know?

Types: Experimental Models
Member States: Ireland
Diseases: N/A
Years: 2016
Database Categories: N/A
Database Tags: N/A

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