Infrastructure name

    Banque d'ADN et de Cellules de l'ICM (DNA and Cell Bank)


    ICM U1127 -GH Pitie-Salpetriere, Paris, France

    Key contact

    Sylvie FORLANI

    Contact phone number

    Contact email
    Project/infrastructure description

    The DNA and cell bank of the ICM collects and manages the collections of samples obtained in the context of medical research projects concerning mainly neurological and psychiatric pathologies. In 2013, these collections contained biological resources from more than 43000 persons (affected patients, relatives and controls), representing about 155000 samples (DNA extracts, cells, body fluids, fibroblasts). They are among the most important collections in the world, notably for pathologies such as Parkinson Disease, the fronto-temporal dementias, autism and certain rare diseases such as the spino-cerebellar degenerations. The bank benefits from major equipment, including an automatic DNA extractor. Its system of quality control conforms to the norm AFNOR NF-S 96-900 and is certified since 2009.

    Date funding committed

    Date infrastructure operational

    Total capital cost (Euros)

    Does the 'Total Capital Cost' include other associated costs?

    Current infrastructure status


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    Belongs to the National Infrastructure BIOBANQUE

Types: Capital Infrastructure
Member States: France
Diseases: N/A
Years: 2016
Database Categories: N/A
Database Tags: N/A

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