Name of resource

FinMIT laboratories, IBT Tampere

Name of Principal Investigator
First nameHowy
Last nameJacobs
Address of institution where award is held
InstitutionUniversity of Tampere
Street AddressUniversity of Tampere
CityUniversity of Tampere
  • Finland
  • Website

    Contact email

    We have various Drosophila strains created to study the effects of expressing alternative respiratory chain enzymes on flies. Because Drosophila strains are freely available to the global research community after publication, and archived in flybase, we do not list them here in any special way.

    1a. The resource holds animal models relevant to the study of the following neurodegenerative diseases
  • Neurodegenerative disease in general
  • 1b. The resource holds:
  • Animals
  • Genetic material (DNA, RNA, vectors etc)
  • 2a. The resource acts as a centre for access and distribution to external groups (who are not the PIs of the resource)
    2b. Procedures and rules for access
  • International access
  • 3a. Does the resource develop animal models for external groups


    3b. Types of models provided
  • Not applicable
  • 4a This activity is supported as:
  • Not applicable
  • 4b. The supplied material deposited in a central repository


    5a Disease models available
    DiseaseSpeciesAvailable to external user (Y/N)Full phenotypic character (Y/N or partial)PhenotypesGenotypes or other subtypes
    6. European or international consortia or networks to which the resource is linked
    Jackson Laboratories, USAInternational mouse knockout consortium
    Bloomington and other global stick centres
    7a. Maintenance of the resource is dependent on continued funding


    7b. End date of current funding period


    7c. Expected lifespan of the resource (in years)


      Types: Experimental Models
      Member States: Finland
      Diseases: Neurodegenerative disease in general
      Years: 2011
      Database Categories: N/A
      Database Tags: N/A

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