Title of NRN
France Life Imaging (FLI)
Mission of NRN
France Life Imaging bears the ambition to become the privileged point of access to the biomedical imaging research, and gathers under its banner a federative network of research teams and facilities.
Director - Title
Director - First name
Director - Last name
Deputy Director - Title
Deputy Director - First name
Deputy Director - Last Name
Address of central coordination point for network - Institution
Address of central coordination point for network - Street address
Address of central coordination point for network - City
Address of central coordination point for network - Postcode
Country in which NRN operates
Date that NRN was established
The NRN has specific relevance to these neurodegenerative diseases
Funding source
Start date for current core funding
Duration of current core funding (months)
Funding amount of current core funding (Euro)
Website address
Types: Research Networks
Member States: France
Diseases: N/A
Years: 2016
Database Categories: N/A
Database Tags: N/A