How is the national/regional health and social care system(s) financed?
Free at the point of deliveryMeans testedOnly private provision
Do inter-agency arrangements exist for the integration of care?
  • No
  • Which of the following apply to health/social care systems in your country
  • There is a national healthcare insurance system
  • In which areas relevant to neurodegenerative disease does your county operate national/regional health care and social care policies?
  • Policy or operational framework to define standards for the quality of care Framework for diagnosis and patient/family support (for example, covering the provision of services such as memory clinics)Policy on individual choice and control (autonomy) in care and treatment decision-making. Example 1: for decision making where a patient has mental incapacity; Example 2 if there is specific policy on where compulsory treatment applys (intended for the good of the patient) (in the UK, sectioning under the Mental Health Act); Example 3: on providing a choice whether to receive specified care services or receive a direct financial payment (?self-directed support?) to cover payment for home carePolicy on payment for care. Example: whether this is subject to means-testing, is subject to reciprocal health or social care arrangements etcPolicy or regulations relating to residential care or nursing home supportSupport for independent living and community based care (Example: policies on physical accessibility and provision of specialist housing for older people such as retirement community with inbuilt supervision or care Support for end of life careEducation programmes for healthcare professionals and carersHealthcare policy for primary care (local doctor) or other community healthcare provision (such as nurses, chiropodists, health visitors) in relation to neurodegenerative conditions.Example:There may be a policy requiring local doctors to carry out cognitive testing on all patients over a certain age as a screen for early signs of neurodegenerative conditions
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