Name of resource (including any acronym)
geriatric clinic database (gedoc)
Name of Principal Investigator
Title | ass prof |
First name | Miia |
Last name | Kivipelto |
Address of institution where award is held
Institution | NVS department Karoliska Institutet |
Street Address | Novum floor 5 Huddinge Hospital |
City | Stockholm |
Postcode | 14186 |
Website link with details of how to contact the resource
Purpose of the resource
To be used for clinical and pre-clinical research on AD and dementia diagnostics
1. The resource is
Designed for use in basic neurosciences research Designed for use in clinical neurosciences research
2. The resource specifically provides for the following neurodegenerative diseases
Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias
3a. The resource is accessible to the research community
3b. Procedures and rules for access
Not applicable
4a. Type of data provided
Description |
apoe |
qEEG |
structural data |
NP tests |
5a. Maintenance of the resource is dependent on continued funding
5b. End date of current funding period
5c. Plans to secure further funding beyond this period
Don’t know
5d. Expected lifespan of the resource (in years)