Enikö Ra?eková
Institute of Neurobiology, of the Slovak Academy of Sciences
Investigation of postnatal neurogenesis in relation to neurodegeneration
Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport of the Slovak Republic
The generation and death of newborn cells have critical roles in brain development and maintenance in the adult brain. Specific alterations in these processes are seen in neurodegenerative diseases. The pathogenesis of these diseases is not yet known. It is assumed that the phenomenon of postnatal neurogenesis, respectively its failure may be associated with the development of neurodegenerative diseases. Our previous findings have demonstrated that adverse environmental factors can induce changes in the neurogenesis in the rat olfactory system. The aim of the proposed project is to verify the hypothesis that there is a link between neurogenesis and neurodegeneration. We will investigate if specific alterations in the olfactory system neurogenesis parallel the early symptoms of some neurodegenerative disease, such as depression, anxiety or olfactory dysfunction. The obtained results could contribute to understanding of the role of postnatal neurogenesis in the pathogenesis of neurodegenerative diseases.