Infrastructure name

    MRI 3T /Photonic imaging - Institut des Neurosciences de la Timone


    Institut des Neurosciences de la Timone

    Key contact


    Contact phone number

    33 491324010

    Contact email
    Project/infrastructure description

    The objectives of the INT are to carry out world class research in fundamental neurosciences, from cellular to cognitive levels, and to fill the gap between fundamental and clinical approaches. The integrative neurosciences, bridging levels of organization of the nervous system within a functional approach, play an essential role in the understanding of the neural underpinnings of our behaviour and of their dysfunctions in neurological and psychiatric diseases.

    Date funding committed


    Date infrastructure operational


    Total capital cost (Euros)

    Part of FLI (€14,000000 total)

    Does the 'Total Capital Cost' include other associated costs?

    Current infrastructure status


    Is this entry applicable to another section of this questionnaire?

    Research Networks

    Further information available at:

    Platform is part of FLI. France Life Imaging bears the ambition to become the privileged point of access to the biomedical imaging research, and gathers under its banner a federative network of research teams and facilities.

Types: Capital Infrastructure
Member States: France
Diseases: N/A
Years: 2016
Database Categories: N/A
Database Tags: N/A

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