Dr. D.L. Gerritsen
Prevalence, characteristics and quality of life of nursing home patients with dementia with (very) severe or extreme neuropsychiatric symptoms (the WAALBED-III-study)
The prevalence of individual symptoms varied, with the highest prevalence figures found for agitation and apathy. Within the group of dementia patients, there is a small group with severe, very severe or even extreme NPS. There is hardly any literature about the prevalence and characteristics of these patients that in general pose a large burden on informal caregivers and professionals. Further, one can expect that these patients in particular have high rates of psychotropic drug use and that because of the severity of the NPS they experience high levels of distress which in turn negatively impacts quality of life. The current study, therefore, will focus on this group with (very) severe and extreme NPS and study the prevalence, characteristics and quality of life in a large sample of institutionalized patients with dementia.