Title of the register
Reference Center for Prion Diseases in Poland
Name of Principal Investigator
Title | Dr |
First name | Beata |
Last name | Sikorska |
Address of institution where award is held
Institution | Medical University of Lodz |
Street Address | Czechoslowacka 8/10 |
City | Lodz |
Postcode | 92-216 |
Contact email
1. Conditions included, or expected to be included, in the disease register
Prion disease
2a. Stated aim of the cohort
Surveillance of human prion diseases in Poland
2b. Features distinguishing this register from other disease registers
This is the only center for prion diseases in Poland
3a. i) Number of publications that involve use of register to date
3c. Information (i.e. research findings) expected to be gained from the register
The number of cases is still low and the conclusions need to be verified on a higher number of cases
4a. Study criteria: age range of participants
Age in years from: | 50 |
To (‘until death’ is applicable): | until death |
4b. Study criteria: inclusion criteria
Cases fulfilling criteria for probable or possible prion disease
4c. Study criteria: exclusion criteria
No clinical evidence for CJD
5. Size of the register (i.e. number of patients enrolled)
0 – 500 clinical cases
6a. Measures used to characterise participants
Age, sex, clinical symptoms at onset, MRI if available
6b. Are there defined primary and secondary endpoints (e.g. defined health parameters)
7a. i) Is the register of fixed duration
7a. ii) Data collection start date
7b. Stage of data collection/analysis for the register
Data collection ongoing Data analysis ongoing
8. Funding of the register
How the register is funded | No dedicated funding. Some means from governmental grants for research projects on prion diseases |
9. Data sweeping
Number of data sweeps that have taken place | 0 |
10.The clinical (phenotypic) information held in the register from patients and other participants such as family members is
Routinely collected as medical records
11. Limit on the number of studies that can be based on this set of patients
12a. Data stored in a database
Yes/No | % available |
No | |
No | |
Yes | 100 |
Yes | 100 |
No |
12b. Data held as individual records
Yes/No | % available |
Yes | 100 |
No | |
Yes | 50 |
No | |
No |
13a. Are data available to other groups
13b. Access policy/mechanisms for access if data are available to other groups
Apply to PI or co-ordinator at resource Applicant needs to provide separate external ethics approval
14. Data sharing policy specified as a condition of use
No policy exists
15a. Are tissues/samples/DNA available to other groups
15b. i) Description of available tissues/samples/DNA
Living donors:blood Living donors: cerebro-spinal fluid Post-mortem donors: brain
15b. ii) Form available tissues/samples/DNA are supplied in
Primary Samples: Stabilised samples (frozen or fixed)
15b iii) Is the access policy/mechanism for obtaining samples the same as that for obtaining data
16a. Is information on biological characteristics available to other group
16b. Is the access policy/mechanism for obtaining details of the characteristics the same as that for obtaining other data