Principal Investigators
Dr Bradley Turner
University of Melbourne
Contact information of lead PI
Title of project or programme
Targeting autophagy to improve protein metabolism in ALS
Source of funding information
National Health and Medical Research Council
Total sum awarded (Euro)
Start date of award
Total duration of award in years
Research Abstract
One common feature of MND is the accumulation of protein deposits inside nerve cells which leads to their death. We have identified a potent drug which enhances autophagy, a protective process which breaks down protein deposits inside cells. We have shown that this autophagy enhancer efficiently clears protein deposits linked to MND in the Petri dish. We propose to treat MND mice with this autophagy enhancer and predict that it will slow disease signs, preserve lifespan and protect nerve cells.
Further information available at:
Types: Investments < €500k
Member States: Australia
Diseases: N/A
Years: 2016
Database Categories: N/A
Database Tags: N/A