Title of COE
Title of PI | AD Centre of Excellence |
Mission of COE
Centre of Excellence for Alzheimer’s disease and related disorders "AD Centre of Excellence"was set up to force collaboration and interaction of govermental, university and research institutes engaged in neurodegenerative diseases leading to foramtion of a consortium capable efficiently to address major country needs in the field of neurodegenerative diseases.
Title | Prof. MDV, PhD,DSc, Dr.h.c. |
First name | Michal |
Last name | Novak |
COE Principal Investigators
Title | First name | Last name |
Prof. RNDr.PhD, DrSc | Eva | Kontsekova |
Assoc.Prof. Dr.PhD | Peter | Filipcik |
Prof. MD, PhD | Dusan | Dobrota |
Prof.MD, PhD,DSc | Milan | Buc |
Prof. MD, PhD, DSc | Igor | Sulla |
Prof.MDV,PhD | Juraj | Pistl |
MDV, PhD | Dasa | Cizkova |
MDV PhD | Norbert | Zilka |
MDV PhD | Branislav | Kovacech |
Dr, PhD | Peter | Barath |
Address of institution where award is held
Institution | Institute of Neuroimmunology, Slovak Academy of Sciences |
Street Address | Dubravska str.9 |
City | Bratislava |
Postcode | 84510 |
Slovak Republic
Date that the CoE was established
If it has specific relevance to a neurodegenerative disease please select up to three of the following
Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias Prion disease Parkinson’s disease
How many constituent programmes are there within the Centre of Excellence?
Currently are running 6 programmes totally worth of 200 000Euros Annually
Funding sources
1 | Slovak Research and Development Agency |
2 | Slovak Academy of Sciences |
3 | Ministry of Education, Science,Research, Sport of the Slovak Republic |
Start date for current core award
Duration of current core award (months)
Funding amount of current core award (Euro)
Website address