Title of COE
Title of PI | Aging Research Center |
Mission of COE
Title | Prof |
First name | Laura |
Last name | Fratiglioni |
COE Principal Investigators
Title | First name | Last name |
Prof | Lars | |
Ass prof | Miia | Kivipelto |
Prof | Agneta | Herlitz |
Senior lecturer | Johan | Fastbom |
Prof | Mats | Thorslund |
Assoc prof | Chengxuan | Qiu |
Assoc prof | Huixin | Wang |
Assoc prof | Kristi | Johnell |
Assoc prof | Marti | Parker |
Prof | Bemgt | Winblad |
Address of institution where award is held
Institution | Aging Research Center, Karolinska Institute/Stockholm University |
Street Address | |
City | Stockholm |
Postcode | SE11330 |
Date that the CoE was established
If it has specific relevance to a neurodegenerative disease please select up to three of the following
Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias Parkinson’s disease Neurodegenerative disease in general
Funding sources
1 | FAS, Swedish Council for Working Life and Social Research |
2 | VR, Swedsih Research Council |
3 | RJ, Riksbankens Jubileumsfond |
4 | Jocknick Foundation |
5 | Karolinska Institue |
Start date for current core award
Duration of current core award (months)
Funding amount of current core award (Euro)
Website address