Title of COE
Title of PI | Alzheimer Centrum Limburg |
Mission of COE
The aim of the Alzheimer Centre is to improve quality of life of people with dementia and their family by obtaining knowledge in research, applying knowledge in patient care and spreading knowledge by means of information and education.
Title | prof. dr. |
First name | Frans |
Last name | Verhey |
COE Principal Investigators
Title | First name | Last name |
prof. dr | Frans | Verhey |
dr. | Marjolein | de Vugt |
Leentjens | dr. | Albert |
dr. | Martin | van Boxtel |
dr. | Pieter Jelle | Visser |
dr. | Rudolf | Ponds |
Address of institution where award is held
Institution | Dr. Tanslaan 12 |
Street Address | Maastricht |
City | 6229 ET |
Postcode | MUMC / School for Mental Health and Neurosciences |
Date that the CoE was established
If it has specific relevance to a neurodegenerative disease please select up to three of the following
Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias
How many constituent programmes are there within the Centre of Excellence?
There are 5 research lines/programmes within our centre: 1) Normal versus Pathological ageing, 2) Early diagnosis, 3) Vascular cognition and vascular depression, 4) Health Technology Assessment (HTA), 5) Psychosocial issues
Funding sources
1 | Maastricht University Medical Centre |
2 | Alzheimer Nederland |
3 | Academic Hospital Maastricht |
Start date for current core award
Website address