Title of COE
Title of PI | Alzheimer Centrum Nijmegen |
Mission of COE
Mission of the ACN is to excel in translational research and thus gain new important knowledge, which is directly applied in clinical practice and improves quality of care and quality of life of patients and caregivers.
Title | Prof. dr / Prof. dr |
First name | Marcel / Myrra |
Last name | Olde Rikkert / Vernooij-Dassen |
COE Principal Investigators
Title | First name | Last name |
prof. dr. | Marcel | Olde Rikkert |
prof. dr. | Myrra | Vernooij-Dassen |
prof. dr. | Roy | Kessels |
Meulenbroek | dr. | Olga |
prof.dr. | Raymond | Koopmans |
dr. | Jurgen | Claassen |
dr. | Maud | Graff |
dr. | Sytse | Zuidema |
dr. | Marcel | Verbeek |
dr. | Amanda | Kiliaan |
Address of institution where award is held
Institution | Reinier Postlaan 4 |
Street Address | Nijmegen |
City | Radboud University Medical Centre / Alzheimer Centrum Nijmegen |
Postcode | 6525 GC |
Date that the CoE was established
If it has specific relevance to a neurodegenerative disease please select up to three of the following
Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias
How many constituent programmes are there within the Centre of Excellence?
There are 3 main lines of research: 1) Early diagnostics (development and validation of biomarkers), 2) Psycosocial interventions, 3) Course of the disease
Funding sources
1 | Alzheimer Nederland |
Start date for current core award
Duration of current core award (months)
Funding amount of current core award (Euro)
Website address