Title of project or programme
Title of PIHeterogeneity in trajectories of the natural course of dementia in incident dementia cases: the influence of co-morbidity
Principal Investigators of project/programme grant
prof.dr.MarcelOlde RikkertAlzheimer Centrum NijmegenNetherlands
prof.dr.FransVerheyAlzheimer Centrum LimburgNetherlands
prof.dr.PhilipScheltensAlzheimercentrum VUmcNetherlands
dr.ReneMelisRadboud University Nijmegen / Geriatric MedicineNetherlands
prof.dr.RoyKesselsRadboud University Nijmegen / Donders InstituteNetherlands
dr.BiancaSchalkRadboud University Nijmegen / Donders InstituteNetherlands
Address of institution of lead PI
InstitutionRadboud University Nijmegen Medical Centre / Alzheimer Centrum Nijmegen
Street AddressReinier Postlaan 4
Postcode6525 GC
  • Netherlands
Source of funding information

Dutch Alzheimer’s Association (Azheimer Nederland)

Total sum awarded (Euro)


Start date of award


Total duration of award in months


The project/programme is most relevant to
  • Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias

dementia, natural course of disease, co-morbidity

Research abstract in English

To study the natural course of dementia and its disease subtypes in a population of newly diagnosed dementia cases, and the influence of co-morbidity on the natural course of the disease. This information will be used to develop prediction rules for the outcome of dementia and the transitional stages in dementia (e.g. institutionalisation). Objectives are: 1) To investigate heterogeneity in trajectories of disease progression, survival, institutionalization, and successful outcome in incident dementia cases, with specific attention given to the influence of the number of chronic co-morbidities and their severity, and distinct well accepted summary scores of comorbidity; 2) To investigate and compare trajectories of disease progression in dementia syndrome and its disease subtypes, right before and after institutionalization and before death for incident dementia cases; 3) To develop prediction rules for prediction of survival, institutionalization, and successful trajectories of the course of dementia from information available at baseline for different time frames since disease onset.

Lay Summary
In which category does this research fall?
  • Basic research

    Types: Investments > €500k
    Member States: Netherlands
    Diseases: Alzheimer's disease & other dementias
    Years: 2011
    Database Categories: N/A
    Database Tags: N/A

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