Title of PI | Needs in Young onset Dementia (Need-YD) |
Title | Forname | Surname | Institution | Country |
dr. | Marjolein | de Vugt | Alzheimer Centrum Limburg | Netherlands |
Netherlands | prof. dr. | Raymond | Koopmans | Alzheimer Centrum Nijmegen |
prof. dr | Frans | Verhey | Alzheimer Centrum Limburg | Netherlands |
prof. dr. | Myrra | Vernooy-Dassen | Alzheimer Centrum Nijmegen | Netherlands |
dr. | Yolanda | Pijnenburg | Alzheimercentrum VUmc | Netherlands |
Institution | Maastricht University / Alzheimer Center Limburg |
Street Address | dr. Tanslaan |
City | 01-10-2007 |
Postcode |
- Netherlands
Dutch Alzheimer’s Association (Azheimer Nederland)
Early onset dementia has serious consequences for patients and their family members. Although there has been growing attention for this patient group, health care services are still mainly targeted at the elderly. Specific knowledge of the needs of early onset dementia patients and their families is limited but necessary for the development of adequate health care services and specific guidelines. This research project is mainly targeted at delineating the course of early onset dementia, the functional characteristics and needs of early onset dementia patients and their caregivers, the risk factors for institutionalization and the interaction with the caring environment.
The NeedYD-study (Needs in Young Onset Dementia) is a longitudinal observational study investigating early onset dementia patients and their caregivers (n = 217). Assessments are performed every six months over two years and consist of interviews and questionnaires with patients and caregivers. The main outcomes are (1) the needs of patients and caregivers, as measured by the Camberwell Assessment of Needs for the Elderly (CANE) and (2) neuropsychiatric symptoms, as measured by the NeuroPsychiatric Inventory (NPI). Qualitative analyses will be performed in order to obtain more in-depth information on the experiences of EOD patients and their family members. The results of this study will be compared with comparable data on late onset dementia from a historical cohort.
- Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias
Young onset dementia
Behavioural problems
- Health and social care research