Title of PI | New Metal-Protein Attenuating Compounds with Neurotrophic Properties as a Therapeutic Strategy in Alzheimer’s Disease |
Title | Forname | Surname | Institution | Country |
Dr | Adina | Michael-Titus | University of London | UK |
Institution | Queen Mary, University of London |
Street Address | Mile End Road |
City | London |
Postcode | E1 4NS |
- United Kingdom
- Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias
Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is the most common form of dementia, a devastating disease characterised by the loss of mental function. None of the drugs currently on the market affect significantly the disease. Anti-amyloid strategies are at the core of AD research, and it has been shown that Metal Protein-Attenuating Compounds (MPACs) which bind zinc and copper, reduce amyloid load and toxicity. Clinical trial results with MPACs which are quinoline compounds show excellent tolerability and improved cognition in AD patients and therefore show that MPACs are promising new AD drugs. Our project aims to further develop new substituted phosphonate MPACs, and facilitate the selection of a compound for Phase 1. Our proprietary non-quinoline MPAC compounds have additional and unique neurotrophic properties, which are particularly relevant in the context of AD, making these compounds better than the existing MPACs. The project will provide in vitro and in vivo efficacy data, safety, toxicity, metabolism and pharmacokinetic data, and thus facilitate the choice of a candidate compound for first studies in man.
- Basic research