Title of COE
Title of PI | The Kavli Institute for Systems Neuroscience and Centre for the biology of memory |
Mission of COE
The scientific goal of the Kavli Institute for Systems Neuroscience is to advance our understanding of neural circuits and systems. By focusing on spatial representation and memory, the investigators hope to uncover general principles of neural network computation in the mammalian cortex.
Title | Professor and director |
First name | Edvard |
Last name | Moser |
COE Principal Investigators
Title | First name | Last name |
Professor and co-director | May-Britt | Moser |
Group leader | Yasser | Roudi |
Group leader | Ayumu | Tashiro |
Professor and group leader | Menno P. | Witter |
Group leader | Zhang | Sheng-Jia |
Professor and director | Edvard | Moser |
Address of institution where award is held
Institution | Norwegian University of Science and Technology |
Street Address | Olav Kyrres Gate 9 |
City | Trondheim |
Postcode | NO-7030 |
Date that the CoE was established
If it has specific relevance to a neurodegenerative disease please select up to three of the following
Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias
How many constituent programmes are there within the Centre of Excellence?
Six groups researching neural circuitry, artificial neural networks, molecular biology and animal models.
Funding sources
1 | The Kavli Foundation |
2 | The Research Council of Norway |
3 | Fondation Bettencourt Schueller |
4 | EU Seventh Research Framework Programme (FP/) |
Start date for current core award
Duration of current core award (months)
Funding amount of current core award (Euro)
Website address