General Information Mouse: Swiss Webster x CB57BL/DAB, CB57BL/J6 or CB57BL/J6 […]

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General Information Mouse: (CB57BL/6J X CBA/ca) X Syn-/-CB57BL/6JOla Expression of […]

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Welcome to the JPND Database of Experimental Models for Parkinson’s […]

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Genetic models (transgenic / viral-induced) Non Genetic models (pharmacological / […]

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In vivo models of Parkinson’s disease – Mammalian models Genetic […]

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General Information Mouse: En1-/+ Swiss/OF1 background Mice with a heterozygous […]

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In vivo models of Parkinson’s disease – Mammalian models Genetic […]

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General Information Mouse: DAT-cre x TfamloxP on B1/6 or CB57BL/6 […]

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The gene PINK1 (phosphatase and tensin homolog (PTEN)-induced kinase 1) […]

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