What are RSS feeds?RSS feed icon

RSS (really simple syndication) is a method whereby you can easily check if certain websites have updated their content – without actually having to log onto that website.

You will need a piece of software called a feed reader.  These can be web based, or you can install them directly onto your own computer.

Your feed reader will show you when your selected websites have updated their content and you can then decide whether you want to go visit a particular website and see the content for yourself.

The feed reader gathers new information into one place and saves you the trouble of having to continually check a multitude of websites in order to find out whether it had been updated with new content.

How to use RSS feeds

Cut and paste the url (i.e. the link) of your preferred RSS feed(s) into your feed reader.  This will allow your reader to display updates to the selected part of the JPND website.  We offer RSS feeds for three types of content;

  • JPND Press releases
  • JPND News stories
  • General Research News

E-mail alerts – if you don’t like RSS

If you don’t use RSS feeds, you can also select the option to receive an ‘old-fashioned’ e-mail alert whenever JPND posts new ‘press releases’ or ‘news’ stories.

Simply type your e-mail address into the box provided and you can receive notification each time new content is added.