Her Majesty Queen Sofia of Spain and Cristina Garmendia, the Spanish Minister for Science and Innovation both extended a warm welcome to the JPND Management Board at its 7th meeting which took place in Madrid on 28 January.

The text of the Queen’s and the Minister’s speechs are shown below.

Photographs from the event and the original Spanish versions of the speeches are also available to download at the end of this article.  (Both texts were translated with the aid of Google translator.)

Speech from Her Majesty Queen Sofia

Madrid, January 28, 2011

I want my first words to express my warm greetings to all representatives of the European Union countries that make up this working group and those of partner countries who join this important initiative.

It gives me great satisfaction to see how the French Government was able to launch this magnificent scientific cooperative action during the French Presidency in July 2008. This initiative reflects the concerns and work of my foundation in the field of Alzheimer’s and neurodegenerative diseases, initiated in 2002, and culminating with the inauguration in 2007 of Alzheimer Centre of the Queen Sofia Foundation.

I am sure that the Spanish Government, represented here by our Minister of Science and Innovation, will actively participate in this exciting project, providing managers and scientists to formulate the Joint Programme.

I express my unconditional support for this initiative and pledge to move the Joint Programming for consideration and possible inclusion in a conference by the Global Alzheimer’s Research Summit, that my Foundation is organizing on the 22 and 23 of September in Madrid 2011. This meeting will focus on basic research, along with clinical, epidemiological and social developments, and for which we have the generous support of the Spanish Government.

Finally, I express my sincere appreciation to the entire scientific community, who devote their time and skills to improve the situation of patients with Alzheimer’s Disease and Neurodegenerative Diseases, as well as their families and carers.

Thank you very much.

Speech from Cristina Garmendia, Minister for Science and Innovation

Majesty, Director of Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Members of the Joint Programming Initiative on Neurodegenerative Diseases, in particular Alzheimer’s disease, Friends:

Let me begin by giving you all a warm welcome to our country. It is a pleasure for us to host this seventh meeting of the JPND Management Board.

A project that is in itself an accurate representation of the message that the Government of Spain wants to communicate to the public: the need to tackle together, and from all possible perspectives, the challenges faced by Spain and Europe, as a society and economy in the coming years.

Among the most pressing challenges, is to address the aging population and respond to social and health consequences of this process. This challenge, like many others, can be overcome only with more knowledge, more innovation and better links between the two.

Ladies and Gentlemen, in this context, the Joint Programme U.E. for Research in Alzheimer and other neurodegenerative diseases, is emerging as a role model for science and for the European healthcare. A pioneer of performance that we must be proud and to which we give our full attention.

We speak of a biomedical field in which Spain has significant resources and scientific capabilities. Not surprisingly, only in 2010, the Ministry has invested € 16M in research on Alzheimer’s and other degenerative diseases. With these resources, hundreds of Spanish research groups, carry out their daily work with determination, with discretion, with passion for their work.

During the year 2011 the Spanish people will also have a unique opportunity to recognize this effort as we celebrate the International Year for Research on Alzheimer’s and Neurodegenerative Diseases.

To promote this initiative, we have launched a consortium responsible for coordinating all activities. In addition we wanted to encourage private sponsorship in this area, through the adoption of tax incentives for agents to invest in research in Alzheimer’s disease and other neurodegenerative diseases.

Behind all these actions is the constant support of her Majesty the Queen, her special sensitivity to this disease, their families and the professionals engaged in daily combat against Alzheimer’s. It provides a valuable reminder for all that from our different responsibilities, we have the opportunity to contribute to this cause.

I conclude by encouraging all parties present and participating in this Joint Programme to continue their excellent work.

I am convinced that this knowledge and enthusiasm and commitment are the best weapons we have to fight this disease. As a member of the Government of Spain, but also as a scientist and as a citizen I transfer my support and appreciation.

Thank you for your attention.





januar 31, 2011