JPND has conducted an exercise to map national and European research and infrastructure relevant to neurodegenerative diseases. Interested parties can now search for relevant activities and information on the JPND mapping database

The JPND mapping exercise aims to give an objective view of the scale and scope of research activity in neurodegenerative diseases amongst JPND member countries. The collated information was used to identify gaps and opportunities JPND could build upon and clarify medium to long-term research needs, objectives and priorities. The data collected also provides a baseline for monitoring spend on neurodegenerative disease research activity and resources relevant to neurodegenerative diseases across Europe.

The secondary aim of the JPND mapping exercise was to provide an updateable, publically accessible, database as a resource for the scientific community and other interested parties. The resource is available through the JPND websitehere or by clicking the second link below.



februar 8, 2012