Two Calls are expected to launch in early December 2012 as part of the JPND Implementation Plan (Phase 1)

The EU Joint Programme – Neurodegenerative Disease Research (JPND) launched itsResearch Strategy in February 2012, outlining the research priorities to be addressed over the next ten years. JPND is now implementing the priorities through a range of large-scale programmatic initiatives.  During the first phase of implementation (2012-2014), JPND anticipates the launch of Joint Transnational Calls each year to address high priority areas in neurodegenerative disease research*. 

As the first step in implementation, two JPND Joint Transnational Calls aimed at supporting transnational collaborations in the field of neurodegenerative disease research will launch later this year. Both Calls are expected to launch in early December 2012, with a likely submission deadline of March 2013. 

Further detail will be providedon this page in advance of the Call launch.  However, the indicative titles of each call are provided below:

Call 1:  “A call for European research projects for the identification of genetic, epigenetic and environmental risk and protective factors”

The objective of Call 1 is to establish innovative, multinational, multidisciplinary collaborative research projects that will add value to existing research through identifying novel genetic, epigenetic and environmental risk and protective factors associated with neurodegenerative disorders. 

Call 2:  “A call for European research projects for the evaluation of health care policies, strategies and interventions”

The objective of Call 2 is to assess and compare policies, strategies and interventions related to neurodegenerative disease care, with regard to quality, access and cost-effectiveness. Examples of areas to be evaluated include care pathways, psychosocial interventions, end-of-life strategies, and educational programmes.  Studies should benefit persons with neurodegenerative diseases, and their carers/families.

Please Note: 
• All information regarding future JPND Call topics is indicative and subject to change.
• Final call information will be published on the JPND website and at the link below.

 * The JPND diseases are: Alzheimer’s disease (AD) and other dementias, Parkinson’s disease (PD) and PD-related disorders, Prion disease, Motor neurone diseases (MND), Huntington’s Disease (HD), Spinocerebellar ataxia (SCA), Spinal muscular atrophy (SMA)



octobre 3, 2012