General Information
Mouse: C57BL/6 x 129/SvEvBrd
Mice in which exon 2 and exons 3-5 of the PINK1 gene have been replaced by IRES-lacZ/MC1neo using homologous recombination.
Corresponding human genotype: Autosomal recessive mutation in the PINK1 gene causing a loss-of-function of the protein and leading to early-onset Parkinson’s disease (PARK6).
Mutated gene: PINK1
References: Wood-Kaczmar 2008, Bishop 2010
Loss of dopaminergic neurons
- No apparent loss of TH-positive neurons is observed
Dopamine Homeostasis
- Not reported
- Not reported
Motor Behaviours
- Not reported
Response to dopaminergic treatment
- Not reported
Non motor Behaviours
- Not reported
- 3-4 months: dopamine neurons (brain slices) show irregularities in firing rates but no differences in action potential firing rates. These changes are linked to reduced SK channel function. These changes are specific for dopaminergic neurons and are not observed in GABA neurons.
SN dopamine neurons display hyperexcitability (in vivo electrophysiology)
- Not reported