The Dementia in Europe Yearbook 2014, produced by Alzheimer Europe is a comparative report on care pathways for people with dementia living at home in Europe.

The pathways to get a diagnosis of dementia are complex and are likely to be multifactorial. Many people living with dementia in Europe are still not diagnosed, and often the diagnosis comes too late. Every person with dementia has the right to a high quality, timely diagnosis, if they so wish. There is now clear indication that people can live well with dementia. Nevertheless, without the right support and care this may not be possible. Getting the necessary support and care depends on several factors. Among them, availability and appropriateness are key, as are the informational aspects and the navigability of the complex health and care systems involved in the diagnosis and care of people with dementia.

This comparative report contains information on national policies and practices addressing different aspects of the timely diagnosis of dementia and of the post-diagnostic care and support available to individuals living with dementia in 30 European countries. The report outlines the main similarities and differences in the processes that people need to follow to be diagnosed and to access the support and care in these countries. It also highlights some of the gaps and main challenges that these individuals may experience. In doing so, the report shows that there is not always a single, linear pathway that may suit every person and every country.

The Dementia in Europe Yearbook 2014 is available for free download on the Alzheimer Europe website.

Source:  Alzheimer Europe


Link to Alzheimer Europe website

يناير 2, 2015