When preparing a proposal, which documents do I need?
At the very least, you need the following documents, which are provided at the JPND website:
- Call Text
- Specific information sheets (for all partners)
- Additional specific forms (only if appropriate)
- Pre-proposal template
The call text provides you with all information concerning the topic and the general framework that applies for the call. This information is complemented by the specific information sheets of the funding organisations participating in the call, which provide you with additional information on specific regulations and restrictions for each organisation. Please keep in mind that JPND applications are multinational collaboration projects where each country and funding organisation has its own specific regulations (for example, some organisations request additional forms from their researchers before submitting a proposal).
Use of the pre-proposal template is absolutely mandatory for preparing your pre-proposal!
How precise must a pre-proposal be?
As you can see from the pre-proposal template, pre-proposals are rather short and space is limited. As a consequence, you should place emphasis on transmitting your general idea (e. g., your aims, research questions and the work plan) to the reviewers who will evaluate the pre-proposals. The aim of a pre-proposal is to convince the reviewers, who are all scientists from the respective field(s) of research, that your proposal should be considered for the full proposal stage.
How do I submit a proposal?
If you plan to submit a pre-proposal for this call, please make sure that you are using the pre-proposal template. Sticking to this template when preparing your pre-proposal is absolutely mandatory!
Your application to the call is completed by uploading a PDF version of your pre-proposal via the electronic submission system. No other means of pre-proposal submission will be accepted. A user registration is needed to use the electronic submission system. However, only the co-ordinator of a consortium needs to register. Once registered, the co-ordinator may directly enter into the system, which will provide guidance for the rest of the submission process. No further action is needed after uploading your pre-proposal file. We strongly encourage you to upload your pre-proposal well in advance of the deadline to avoid the call closure rush.
Is it possible to submit attachments (references, CVs, letters of intent.)
No, it is not permitted to submit any attachments or annexes. All information has to be included in the main document, adhering to the structure and the page limits of the pre-proposal template. Any attachment or annex will be deleted automatically. Information that is not requested in the pre-proposal template is not relevant for the evaluation process (e. g., letters of intent).
Can I submit a pre-proposal shortly after the deadline if this is well justified?
No, this is not possible. The electronic submission system will close at 23:59 C.E.T. on the day of the submission deadline. No pre-proposal submission is possible thereafter and no other means of submission will be accepted. We recommend finalising your pre-proposal well in advance of the deadline.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]