The process by which the SRA was created took place between March and December 2011 and consisted of:
1. A series of three workshops, spanning basic discovery science to strategically targeted research, which ascertained the research needs in basic, clinical andhealthcare research domains. The composition of the workshops comprised academic experts recommended by the JPND Scientific Advisory Board.
2. A consultation process with identified stakeholders, involving a combination of face-to-face meetings and email questionnaires identified unmet needs from the broad stakeholder community of JPND.
3. A final workshop, led by the Scientific Advisory Board and including representatives from the broader stakeholder community, then integrated the deliberations of the previous meetings and consultations, leading to a report identifying a coherent set of opportunities, objectives and priorities.
4. An online consultation process, based on the final workshop report was circulated for broad public consultation through the JPND website. The core of the SRA emerged through a combination of the final workshop report and feedback from the online consultation.
5. The core of the SRA was adopted by the JPND Management Board (MB) at the 10th MB meeting in Paris on Nov 22nd, 2011.
6. The finalised SRA forms the basis of the JPND Research Strategy, was released and published on February 7th, 2012.
Details and outputs of the individual steps in the drafting process are available on the tabs to the left of this page.