On 2nd November 2023, the EU Joint Programme – Neurodegenerative Disease Research (JPND) initiative launched a multinational rapid-action call for expert Working Groups for “Use of Digital Technologies in Neurodegenerative Disease Research and Clinical Practice”

Digital technologies have taken a central position in peoples’ everyday lives, e.g. by managing daily routines, offering timely information and navigation or allowing boundless communication. They have also made their way into health and social care research and practice, e.g. by offering automated data processing and analysis, algorithms facilitating human efforts or tracking people’s health and physical status. Beside the impressive features offered already today, technological advancements are rapid and temporarily erratic, e.g. with regard to the conceivable roll-out of virtual reality and artificial intelligence. Assessing the impact of such cutting-edge technologies on health and social care research and services often generates a high level of uncertainty. In addition, the fast progression makes it complicated to implement them in research and in the care of patients. However, both fields may potentially benefit from making use of cutting-edge digital technologies. This specifically relates to neurodegenerative diseases, where patients require enhanced levels of support and scientists strive to unravel the functioning of the brain, which is the most complex organ in the human body. The use of advanced digital technologies for the diagnosis, disease modelling, treatment and care has the potential to improve life for people with neurodegenerative diseases.

In this context, JPND has launched a call for leading scientists in the field to establish community-led Working Groups dedicated to assessing the current and future impact of digital technologies on research and care in the field of neurodegenerative diseases.

Participating Funding Organisations

The funding organisations participating in this call that have agreed to provide financial support for Working Groups are listed below:

  • France, French National Research Agency (ANR)
  • Germany, Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)
  • Ireland, Health Research Board (HRB)
  • Italy, Ministry of Health (IT-MOH)
  • Netherlands, The Netherlands Organisation for Health Research and Dev. (ZonMW)
  • Norway, The Research Council of Norway (RCN)
  • United Kingdom, Medical Research Council (MRC) as part of UK Research and
    Innovation (UKRI)



Proposals must be submitted no later than 12:00h C.E.T on December 12, 2023.

Where can I get more information about this call?

Links to the relevant documents and resources can be found below:

Call text – download all specific information about the call. [PDF]

Call procedures – description of the evaluation procedure and decision-making process applied for this call. [PDF]

Proposal template – mandatory for creating proposals. No other formats are accepted.

Proposal Submission Tool – mandatory for submitting proposals. No other routes are accepted.


For further information, please visit us on the web:

or contact the JPND Joint Call Secretariat: (+49) 228 3821 2111 or