Assisted Living Technologies
Assisted living technologies such as ICT/smart technology offer enormous potential in the development of effective measures for prevention, intervention and care for people with neurodegenerative diseases/dementia and their (in)formal carers.
To join forces and align priorities in this area, JPND and the Article-185 initiative –Ambient Assisted Living Joint Programme (AAL JP), are working together towards developing recommendations for joint actions in the area of assisted living technologies for neurodegenerative diseases.
A JPND Action Group, containing members of both initiatives, is working to identify where JPND and AAL JP priorities and activities can be aligned, or new activities identified, and is organising activities to bring together important stakeholders in this area including users, academia, small businesses and the ICT and service industry.
2014 Joint Workshop, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
The Action Group jointly organised an expert workshop in the Royal Tropical Institute, Amsterdam, Netherlands on Jan. 27th, 2014.
The main objectives of the workshop were to identify gaps and potential benefits for collaboration and to recommend future joint actions and opportunities.
Click here, or at the link below for a copy of the workshop report.
Neurodegenerative Disease an area of focus for AAL JP
In the AAL Joint Programme, stimulating the development of ICT-based solutions to support independence of older adults is a priority.
Indeed, approximately 25% of current AALJP projects are developing solutions for support and care of older adults with cognitive impairments/dementia and their (informal) carers.
The details of, and links to, these projects are available for download here or at the link below.
2013 AAL Forum, Norrkoping, Sweden
The Action Group jointly-organised a session at the 2013 AAL Forum in Norrköping, Sweden, on Sept. 25th, 2013. The Forum is the annual platform for the ever-increasing European AAL community to meet and discuss topics relevant for improving the AAL JP as well as the adoption of AAL solutions in the market.
Click here for an interview at the Forum with former Action Group member, Enda Connolly.