Clinical Research Workshop

The SRA Workshop on Clinical Research was held on March 4th, 2011 at INSERM, 101 rue de Tolbiac, Paris

The final report on the workshop findings is available below.

Download the final meeting report here

Discussion Themes in Morning Session:

1.  Imaging and neurophysiology (Chair: Frederik Barkhof)
2.  Cognition, function and behaviour (Chair: Florence Pasquier)
3.  Biomarkers – genetics/metabolomics (Chair: Pamela Shaw)
4.  Cohorts and trial design (Chair: Nick Fox)

Discussion Themes in Afternoon Session:

1.  Prevention
2.  Diagnosis
3.  Treatment

SAB Chairpersons:

Bruno Dubois
Thomas Gasser
Laura Fratiglioni


Isabelle ArnulfHopital Pitié Salpétrière APHP
Alim Louis BenabidJoseph Fourier University
Frederik BarkhofVU university medical Center
Habib BenaliINSERM U678
Kaj BlennowUniversity of Gothenburg
Monique BretelerErasmus University Rotterdam and Harvard School of Public Health
David BrooksClinical Science Centre MRC
Patrik BrundinWallenberg Neuroscience Centre, Lund University
Stefano CappaVita-Salute San Raffaele University
Jean-Francois DartiguesUniversity Victor Segalen Bordeaux 2
Jean François DemonetINSERM
Bruno DuboisPitié Salpétrière Hospital, APHP
Alexandra DürrPierre and Marie Curie University
Charles DuyckaertsPitié Salpétrière Hospital, APHP
Nick FoxUniversity College London
Laura FratiglioniKarolinska Institute
Giovanni FrisoniIRCCS Centro S.Giovanni di Dio
Lutz FröelichZI Mannheim Central Institute of Mental health
Thomas GasserUniversity of Tübingen & DZNE
Miia KivipeltoKarolinska Institute
Brian LawlorTrinity College Dublin
Manuela NeumannUniversity Hospital Zurich
Agneta NordbergKarolinska Institute
John O’BrienNewcastle University
Wolfgang OertelMarburg University Medical Centre
Florence PasquierUniversity Hospital Lille
Philippe RobertUniversity Hospital Nice
Anne RosserCardiff University
Paolo M. RossiniAssociazione Fatebenefratelli per la ricerca (AFaR)
Martin RossorDementia Research Centre, University College London
Nikos ScarmeasUniversity Columbia
Philip ScheltensVU University Medical Centre
Pamela ShawUniversity of Sheffield
Ingmar SkoogUniversity of Gothenburg
Hilka SoininenUniversity of Eastern Finland
Rick R.C. VandenbergheUniversity Hospital Leuven
Frans VerheyMaastricht University
Gunhild WaldemarUniversity of Copenhagen
Bengt WinbladAlzheimer Disease Research Centre, Karolinska Institute